Thursday 1500
Working in partnership with Haplo to build a Research Information Management System at the University of Westminster.
Jenny Evans, Head of Research and Scholarly Communications, University of Westminster
Jenny will give an overview of Haplo’s Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) Research Manager (including PhD Manager and Ethics Monitor) describing how it has developed from a Westminster-specific project into three products adopted by nearly 30 institutions and touch upon the benefits, risks and challenges of being a development partner.
Voice, Chat and Innovation with Students as Co-Producers
Chris Dixon, Head of IT Partnering and Innovation, Lancaster University
This session will demonstrate how Lancaster University makes use of students and student staff to produce innovative products. It will include information on its “Innovation Box” process and a demonstration of “L.U”, a voice and chat interface built in collaboration with Amazon Web Services, and launched at Lancaster University in March 2019 to give students unparalleled access to services, support and allowing them to experience a revolutionary digital friend.
King’s operating model journey – the search for a common approach
John Butterworth, Director, Office of the CIO, King's College London
Kings are adopting Business Technology and ITIL4 as the core components of our operating model and believe this offers the HE sector opportunity to move towards a common or exemplar operating model. As part of this model we are adopting agile ways of working as an alternative or partner to traditional waterfall development.
Culture Change and Colleague Engagement
Rob Moore, IT Procurement Manager, Leeds Beckett University
A veteran of leading culture change in public, private and third sector organisations, Rob will be discussing how IT Services at Leeds Beckett are engaging with their staff and evolving their work culture. What has been changed, who has been leading this change, and how is it working across an eclectic work force.
The Transformative Impact of BI
Gary Tindell, Senior MI & BI Analyst Developers, University of East London
This presentation provides evidence of the transformative effect of business intelligence, both internally and externally. The main focus will be internally and the use of BI in analysing factors influencing student retention.
We will also provide case studies of external collaborations that have had a significant impact, locally and regionally.
Thursday 1600
Moodle – A decade of ups and downs
Nadeem Ahmad, Head of ICT, TEL & Student Records, Hythrop College, UoL
A look at lessons learnt over a decade of implementation of a Moodle VLE, strategies to increase engagement, policies to enforce usage, student and staff benefits. Over the last decade Heythrop has leant many good things about how best to implement and encourage usage of a VLE, but along the way it fell down quite a few rabbit holes!
Enhancing fitness for service
Julie Christie, Assistant Director of IT, University of Dundee
The Dundee journey of implementing Service Catalogue Management (so far). Hindsight moments and future milestones, and what do our end users and partners really think? Projects to Programmes to Portfolio’s - The challenges, pitfalls and successes of an IT Portfolio Management Office
Clive Green, Global Head of IS Portfolio Management Office, University of Nottingham
Maturing the Information Services PMO. How we have evolved and grown the PMO function from passive to directive, from managing projects/programmes to introducing portfolio management, defining new processes, championing delivery excellence and implementing departmental wide resourcing and estimating toolkits
Cyber Resilience - Selling it to the wider University
Bruce Rodger, Head of IT Infrastructure Services, University of Strathclyde
In 2017, the University of Strathclyde invested an additional £1.2m in its cybersecurity activities, initiating a programme to raise the baseline across the University, and to ensure that its cyber posture was not a barrier to winning new business.
In 2019, the team formed under that programme won "Outstanding Cyber Team" at the Scottish Cyber Industry Awards.
This presentation will explore some of the challenges faced by that team in persuading the other areas of the University that a strong security culture is not only essential, but beneficial
Uncovering the real value of academic engagement – a strategic case study
Lorraine Spalding, Learning, Teaching & Web Communications Manager, University of Edinburgh
What are teachers' hopes and concerns in using technology with their students? How can academic engagement enhance our major educational technology projects? Hear more about how the Learning, Teaching and Web Directorate at the University of Edinburgh, is engaging academic colleagues in a strategic way to implement large institutional changes such as the rollout of lecture recording and a VLE service improvement programme. This presentation will also reference useful resources for supporting engagement and effective communications practices, such as the ucisa communications toolkit