ucisa-London Women in Tech

Primary Sponsor

15 September 2021
Book Before
15 September 2021
online 13:00 - 15:30
MS Teams
About the Event
IT as an industry has many notable female representatives, with CEOs such as Lisa Su and Safra Catz leading large successful technology companies. However, women still remain under-represented across the industry.
Open to ucisa members of all genders, this session seeks to explore how we can encourage women into the sector, better support women currently working in tech, and develop the next industry leaders. It will seek to highlight the challenges so that we can all work to remove them whether that be by changing ourselves or by helping to change others.
Pertinent to everyone working in tech, the conversations started in this event will continue in the annual ucisa Women in Tech 2021 conference (WiT21) taking place Tuesday 12th October.
Event Schedule
Other Info
Exhibitor Information
- UCISA London Group