Launching the APUC CRM procurement process

Primary Sponsor

23 May 2022
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23 May 2022
Online 11:00 - 12:00
MS Teams
About the Event
Complexity and Compliance – Launching the APUC CRM procurement process
The computer based CRM system celebrated it’s 35th birthday last year. In the three and a half decades since the ACT! system was first marketed by Conductor Software the market has become a dense and diverse ecosystem of bespoke solutions and general platforms, from global brands and niche players. Within the HE sector, we will typically have our own unique cross section of CRM systems, often with customised integration layers and multiple entry points and user interfaces. This session will begin with a round table discussion of how what a typical HE CRM landscape looks like, the challenges that this presents and the opportunities that lie ahead.
For the second half of the session, APUC will be discussing their upcoming CRM framework. In collaboration with a UCISA benchmarking group and the Universities Purchasing Consortia (UKUPC), APUC are currently leading the process to develop a framework agreement for Alumni Customer Relationship Management systems (CRM) on behalf of the UK HE and FE sectors. APUC is proposing to amend the scope to include CRM for other specific service areas that will follow the student journey from recruitment through to alumni. The session hopes to raise awareness about the CRM procurement process and would like to offer ucisa members the opportunity to share expertise and to help to shape the framework agreement, so that it becomes best fit for the sector and drives value.