Calling notice


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NOTICE is hereby given of the ninth Annual General Meeting (the 'Meeting') of the Company, and the 31st Annual General Meeting of the association, to be held at 12:00 noon on Thursday 13th June 2024 online via MS Teams for the following purposes:

1. To receive Chair’s welcome and apologies received

2. To consider and, if thought fit, approve the following resolutions, to be proposed as Ordinary Resolutions of the Company:

A. To approve the minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 8th June 2023.

B. To receive and adopt the annual report of the Trustees and the accounts of the Company for the financial year ended 31 December 2023.

C. To reappoint Critchleys the auditors of the Company to hold office from the conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the next general meeting of the Company at which audited accounts are laid, and to authorise the directors to fix their remuneration. 

D. To consider and, if thought fit, appoint the following honorary officers (each of whom has consented to act) to stand as honorary officers of the Company from the close of this meeting for a term of two years in accordance with its Articles of Association, or as otherwise specified in any future amendments made to the Articles which are approved by the members of the Company:

  • Sarah Cockrill, as Treasurer of the Company
    Proposed by Dean Phillips, University of Aberdeen
    Seconded by Nathalie Czechowski, University of South Wales
  • Matthew Flower, as Secretary of the Company
    Proposed by Sarah Cockrill, Canterbury Christ Church University
    Seconded by James Crooks, Durham University

E. To elect two Elected Member to serve on the Board of Trustees.

The nominees proposed for election to the role of Elected Trustee receiving the most votes from the members entitled to vote and attending, whether in person or by proxy, at this Annual General Meeting, shall be elected unless otherwise disqualified from standing by the Constitution or Articles of the Charity.

Nominations for the two positions (listed alphabetically by institution) are as follows:

Nominee Member institution Proposer Seconder
Karen Bates
London Business School Paul Butler, University of Greenwich Vipin Ahlawat, Loughborough University
Nick Gilbert London School of Economics and Political Science Paul Butler,University of Greenwich James Smith, Birkbeck University of London
Rupa Dey Queen Mary University of London Nick Leake, King’s College London Andy Smith, University College London
Mark Johnston University of Glasgow James Smith, Birkbeck University of London Karen Bates, London Business School
Nathalie Czechowski
University of South Wales
Rachael Johnson,Bath Spa University
Sarah Cockrill,Canterbury Christ Church University
Iain McCracken University of Sussex Jason Oliver, University of Sussex Sarah Cockrill, Canterbury Christ Church University


F. In accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company: To accept the nominations of the Special Interest Group Committees and appoint the Chairs of the Special Interest Groups of the Charity as follows:  

Group Chair Proposer Seconder 

Business Relationship Management Group 


Richard Manley, University of the West of England
(Inaugural chair) 
Matthew Flower, University of Wolverhampton  Karen Bates, London Business School 

Business Technology Standard


John Butterworth, King’s College London
Nick Leake, King’s College London  Krish Pilicudale, University of Huddersfield 

Corporate Information Systems


James Smith, Birkbeck, University of London Ian Maitland, Leeds Beckett University Martin Rodenby, Nottingham Trent University

CISG sub-group

Web Services Group (WSG)  

Claire Gibbons, Leeds Trinity University (Inaugural Chair)

James Smith, Birkbeck University of London  Nick Gilbert, London School of Economics and Political Science

Digital Capabilities Group


Annette Webb, York St John University Samantha Clarkson, University of Hertfordshire Alison Waters, Cranfield University

Digital Education Group


Richard Goodman, Loughborough University Farzana Latif, University of Leeds Julie Voce, City, University of London

 Digital Infrastructure Group


Jim Florence, Robert Gordon University
David Graham, University of Edinburgh  Jim McKeee, Stirling University

Enterprise Architecture


Joint Chair
Russell Boyatt, Warwick University 
Rosie Coffey, University College Cork Lex Wilkinson, Sheffield Hallam University
Joint Chair
Rosie Coffey, University College Cork 
Lex Wilkinson, Sheffield Hallam University
Russell Boyatt, Warwick University

Higher Education Information Directors Scotland 


Claire Taylor Edinburgh Napier University Brian Henderson, University of Aberdeen Kris Gretchell, Fife College 

Higher Education Wales Information Technology


Simone Barbaresi, Bangor University
(Inaugural Chair)
Nathalie Czechowski, University of South Wales Mark Johnston, University of Glasgow 

Immigration Administration
Community of Practice – 

(IA CoP) 

Joint Chair
Alex Lock, Anglia Ruskin University
Ross Porter, London Business School Maria Wylie, University of Cambridge 

 Joint Chair
Ross Porter, London Business School

Alex Lock, Anglia Ruskin University  Bethan Ovens, London School of Economics 
UCISA London Group
Trevor Baxter, King’s College London
Marion Roseburg, Birkbeck, University of London Okan Kibsroglu, Imperial College London
UCISA Midlands Group  Alex Goffe, Keele University  Mathew Carter-Rix, University of Wolverhampton
Christopher McEvoy, Keele University

Procurement Group


 Rob Moore, Leeds Beckett University  Mel Gomes,  Royal Holloway  Mark Allinson,  Edge Hill University

Project and Change Management Group  


Simon Baker, Birmingham City University Sally Jorjani, University of Stirling Marguerite McEnery, University of Limerick

Security Group


Dave Thornley, Sheffield Hallam University Pri Alagoda, Nottingham Trent University  Bruce Rodger, University of Strathclyde

Support Services Group


Joint Chair
Andy Scott,
Durham University

Iain Cameron, University of Aberdeen 
IEd Stout, Leeds Beckett University
Joint Chair
Jo Mortimer.
University of Reading
Ed Stout, Leeds Beckett University
Iain Cameron, University of Aberdeen 
Sustainability Group


 Henrik Brogger, University of Reading Andrew Meikle, University of Lancaster   Michael Shaw, Southampton University

Women in Tech


Christi Hopkinson, University of the West of England   Tatiana Hepplewhite, Leeds Beckett University
Katie Wilde, Aberdeen University

User Experience Community
of Practice

(UX CoP)

Joint Chair
Emma Horrell, University of Edinburgh
Sonia Virdi University of Edinburgh David Goddard, University College London
 Joint Chair:
Joseph Talbot, University of Oxford

 Sonia Virdi,  University of Edinburgh

David Goddard, University College London


G. To receive the Treasurer’s Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2023, summary Budget for the current year ending 31 December 2024 and summary budget for financial year ending 31 December 2025.

H. To approve the increase in subscription fee by 5 % for 2025.

Explanatory Note:
The following table sets how each institution’s band is determined together with the current 2024 subscription fee. The fourth column of the table shows what the 2025 subscriptions will be if the resolution is approved.

Band Type  Size as reported to HESA 2024 Subscriptions with no uplift
(ex VAT)

2025 Subscriptions with 5% uplift
(ex VAT)

Band 1

Small and specialist institutions



Band 2

Less than 10,000 students

reported to HESA in 22/23 year

£2,169.00 £2,277.00
Band 3

10,001 to 20,000 students

reported to HESA in 22/23 year

£3,037.00 £3189.00
Band 4

20,001 to 30,000 students

reported to HESA in 22/23 year

£3,470.00 £3,644.00
Band 5

More than 30,001 students

reported to HESA in 22/23 year

£3,967.00 £4,165.00                 


3. To consider any other business. 

4. To receive Chair's closing remarks


By order of the board


Matthew Flower, Director
Registered office: c/o Critchleys LLP, Beaver House, 23-38 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 2EP


1. A member of the Company is entitled to appoint another person as his proxy to exercise all or any of his rights to attend and to speak and vote at the meeting.

2. A form of proxy is available. To be effective, the proxy form or other instrument appointing a proxy must be completed and signed and delivered to the registered office of the Company or delivered by electronic communication as specified below not later than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting. Any power of attorney or any other authority under which the instrument appointing a proxy is signed (or a duly certified copy of such power or authority) must be included.

3. Where the member is not an individual person, a statement by the person submitting the proxy form of their authority to appoint a proxy must also be included.

4. Appointing a proxy does not preclude a member from attending and voting at the meeting in person.

5. To deliver an appointment of a proxy by electronic communication, scan the duly signed instrument appointing a proxy and any supporting documents in a .pdf, .jpg or .tiff format (so that the documents are legible and the signature is clearly visible) and send to the email address for delivery of proxies specified below. Any document or information relating to proxies for the meeting or otherwise relating to proceedings at the meeting may be sent by email to that address (but not to any other address or number for electronic communications mentioned in this document or any document accompanying it) provided that it is received no less than 24 hours before the meeting, but any electronic address or number provided in this notice or in any related document (including the proxy form) may not be used to communicate with the Company for any purposes other than as expressly stated.

6. If you do not give your proxy an indication of how to vote on any resolution, your proxy will vote or abstain from voting at his discretion. Your proxy will vote (or abstain from voting) as he thinks fit in relation to any other matter which is put before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

7. Any appointment under a proxy notice may be revoked by delivering a notice to the Charity by the member who gave the proxy notice to the email below or by hand at the meeting. Such notice will only be effective if received by the Charity prior to the start of the meeting.

Email address for the delivery of proxy forms: