Connect and collaborate: Developing Student’s Core Digital Skills

Booking Open


14 January 2025

Book Before

13 January 2025

Online 13:00 - 14:00

MS Teams

About the Event

Are students losing key digital employability skills? Is the mobile first approach leading to the demise of the traditional laptop or desktop and does it matter?

Most students in higher and further education are expected to have a minimum level of digital skills from the point of application online through to online coursework and assessment.  Recently, many organisations have reported an increase in students not having these core digital skills and the need to offer more support to students at the start of their course. With many primary and secondary education providers migrating to portable touch-based devices over traditional desktops / laptops and many home devices being touch input only, are we starting to see the loss of core employability skills such as being able to use a physical keyboard and mouse?

This session looks to explore and share examples of how further and higher education providers are supporting the development and recording of student's core digital skills.

We welcome proposals for a 15-20 minute presentation for this webinar.

You may like to discuss:

  • Approaches you have taken, or advocate, to assist students developing or assessing core digital skills.
  • Evidence you have gathered about digital skills in your organisation or sector and how this impacts your organisation.

If you would like to share your experiences please complete this form. with your details.

Deadline for proposals: 17:00, Wednesday 27 November