10 March 2020 - COVID-19

 ucisa20 - ucisa’s current position on coronavirus (Covid-19)

You will have seen or heard about coronavirus cases occurring in the UK, Europe and elsewhere in the world. The advice from Public Health England regarding coronavirus (Covid-19) has consequently changed. We have been monitoring the official advice closely and you will appreciate that the advice may change at short notice.

In relation to the virus, the safety and security of all attending conference is our top priority although, as the UK risk level of coronavirus is moderate, the risk to individuals currently remains low.

We have been liaising closely with the ucisa20 conference venues, all of which currently remain fully open for business, with all events going ahead as planned.

Our main venue, Manchester Central, has installed signage in all toilets and digital screens across the venue advising staff and visitors on the importance of maintaining good hand and personal hygiene and added sanitising stations (bacterial gel) with dispensers are being made available around the venue to supplement the hand cleaning products in all toilet facilities. Their onsite first aid team have been fully briefed and have plans in place to deal with anyone reporting symptoms and believes they may have been in contact with the virus.

All our venues are continuing to monitor advice from the Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England and World Health Organisation.

We will continue to monitor the advice from all relevant agencies and publish updated advice to delegates immediately before Conference.

If you have any questions or we can assist in any way, please email