About us
Founded in 1993, UCISA is the member-led professional body for digital practitioners in education. Open and inclusive, we work together to use our collective technical knowledge and digital expertise to help transform teaching, learning and research by supporting operational efficiency and an excellent student experience.
Almost all UK Higher Education institutions are UCISA members along with a growing number of Further Education and Sixth Form colleges. Institutional membership automatically grants the benefits of membership of the UCISA community to all staff working within the institution.
As a result, we welcome individuals at all levels – whether you are just starting out in your career or have worked in education for many years and reached a senior position.
UCISA is a registered not-for-profit charity and supports its community by running a wide range of events and conferences, backed up with surveys, reports and best practice toolkits and guides that help our members better meet the ever-increasing digital demands of twenty-first-century education in the UK.
Our community collaborates, networks, and shares their inspirational thinking, practices and procedures so that we can all learn more, advance faster and be more effective. We also work closely with technology and digital service suppliers to the sector – helping them better understand our needs so that they can deliver the solutions you need within your own institution.
Find out more about membership here
UCISA Strategic Plan - Building on Success 2022-2027
On behalf of the board of trustees at UCISA, we are delighted to be able to share our new strategic plan with you.
As we begin this next exciting chapter of our development, we look forward to working with and for you, our members and hope that we can count on your continued support for and engagement with UCISA. If you would like to discuss any element of the plan it in more detail, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Time for change
After almost 25 years of successful operation, we recognised that the world of education was undergoing unparalleled change and we needed to revisit and revise our brand to ensure that we continue to play a relevant and effective role for our members. After a period of consultation with all our stakeholders, we developed a refined brand definition that better aligns with the ever-increasing digital demands of twenty-first-century education in the UK.
Our proposition
Helping to transform teaching, learning and research in education by better harnessing the power of digital through the exchange of knowledge, and the support from and continuous development of our expert community.
- Has trusted expert knowledge.
- Is connected.
- Is a member-driven organisation.
- Is professionalised.
- Is open, supportive and collaborative.
- Leads.
- To connect people who have common and useful experiences and insights.
- To share expertise and experiences to strengthen understanding and influence decision-making about the future.
- To foster, encourage and share inspirational thinking.
- To champion diversity and inclusivity throughout our community.
- To promote a community of experts that readily shares its knowledge and experience.
- To raise the profile and understanding of the power of digital through the power of our members.
- To partner with and challenge our suppliers, so that they can better understand our needs and meet our performance criteria.
- To provide all our members with support and opportunities to develop their skills and confidence.
- To communicate complex information in a straightforward, concise and accessible way.
- To help transform teaching, learning and research through the power of digital.
UCISA is a charitable company led and run by members, who give their time freely, for the benefit of all members. The object of the Charity (no. 1161218) is to promote and advance education for the public benefit in information systems and digital technologies and their use in education and research and no other purposes. ucisa is a registered charitable company limited by guarantee.
Registered Office is c/o Gravita Oxford LLP, First Floor, Park Central, 40-41 Park End Street, Oxford, OX1 1JD