Mesh and Metaverse

Booking Closed

Primary Sponsor


17 August 2022

Book Before

17 August 2022

Online 14:00 - 16:00

MS Teams

About the Event

Mesh and Metaverse

Many large tech companies have announced three dimensional meeting spaces or a "Metaverse". These present a 3D meeting and interaction space attended by avatars of the people in the meeting, aiming to replicate real world experience in a digital world.

This can bring together people from all over the world, facilitating casual meeting style connections. It also has a potential advantage from an equality perspective, as the appearance of an avatar can be almost anything – inhibiting gender and racial biases.

This session will explore this technology and how it could change the world of education, both in the digital campus and globally.


Headshot of Blessing Adeleye

Blessing Odeleye

PhD Researcher

University of Greenwich

Michael Detyna

Learning Technologist

King's College London

Andrew McDermott Headshot

Andrew McDermott

Senior Product Development Manager

The Open University

person smiling at the camera

Simon Williams

Consulting Director


person smiling at the camera

Tom Runge

Consulting Director


More Info

Tom is a senior digital strategy leader with 30+ years in technology and services, including 20 years as an advisory consultant. He specializes in digital transformation, disruptive technologies and delivering data insights. Passionate about user experience, collaboration, and innovation, he has extensive expertise across most industry and government sectors.

Event Schedule

Wednesday 17th August



by Jason Parke, IT Labs Team Leader, University of Greenwich

Virtual Reality and the Metaverse as a spark for immersive education

Michael Detyna, Learning Technologist, King's College London

Metaverse - Finding real world application in Higher Education

Simon Williams, Consulting Director and Tom Runge, Director of Business Consulting, CGI

Comfort Break


Exploring Digital Working Environments within The Open University

Andrew McDermott, Senior Product Development Manager, The Open University

Detecting framerate-oriented cyber-attacks on user experience in virtual reality

Blessing Odeleye, PhD Researcher, University of Greenwich
