CISG-PCMG22 - New solutions for a new world

Primary Sponsor

30 November 2022
1 December 2022
2 December 2022
Book Before
2 December 2022
About the Event
CISG-PCMG22 - New solutions for a new world
How staff and students look at their university or college has changed; as the sector adapts to the massive disruption and rapid uptake of digital technologies dictated by events of the last few years, the perspective will shift again.
Many institutions are still rolling out, configuring provision and looking to embed best practice for systems and services delivered years ahead of intended timelines. The agility of the sector in adapting to user needs has been remarkable and has resulted in a more digitally empowered education landscape than ever before.
However, individually, institutionally and as a wider community there is a need to not only make sense of these exciting new solutions, but to connect, secure and support them and ensure effective interoperation across hybrid environments. This is of particular importance, with dispersed user groups and stakeholders having high expectations from this brave new world of work, learning and research.
Digital provision and capability and access to quality tools and services has never been better, but how can institutions ensure that user experience is equally good? Operating in a competitive sector with significant challenges to service delivery, finance and governance, many institutions are looking to digital technologies for solutions and new opportunities – particularly in improving and personalising the user’s experiences.
CISG-PCMG22 conference will explore how the sector is bringing pioneering solutions and services together to deliver new solutions for a new world for staff and students.
UCISA CISG-PCMG22 will feature a mix of presentations, workshops and updates from the sector. There will also be opportunities to engage with our suppliers and explore the ways they can innovate and support our new working world.
The Conference Co-Chairs, Sally Jorjani (University of Stirling) and Patrick Daly (Robert Gordon University) welcome you to this year’s Conference and we hope you will find the Conference a good opportunity to learn from your community as they share their good practice and take the opportunity to meet new contacts, extend your network and to engage with suppliers. We look forward to seeing you in Brighton!

Professor Judith Petts CBE
University of Plymouth

Brian Henderson
Director of Digital and Information Services
University of Aberdeen

Andrew Meikle
Head of Corporate Information Systems
Lancaster University

Amanda Howard
Business Systems Analyst, Estates and Campus Services Systems
University of Essex

James Blair
Director Development & Operations and Deputy Director of Information Services
University of Stirling

Matthew Sherlock
Director of Product Strategy

Marguerite McEnery
Head of IT Project Management & Business Engagement
University of Limerick

Alison Cotgrave
Academic Registrar
Liverpool John Moores University

Simon Kearney
Director, IT Platforms and Security
London Business School

Paul Ferguson
Digital Marketing Manager
Queen’s University Belfast.

Jennifer Robertson
Head of Automation Transformation Team
University of Glasgow

Alexey Protosav
Business Intelligence & Integration Team Leader
University of Greenwich

Owain Young
Application Architect
University of Wales

Nalin Parbhu
Event Schedule
The Exhibition is in the Buckingham and Dukes Room.
The main Conference is in the Balmoral Room
The Exhibition is in the Buckingham and Dukes Room.
The main Conference is in the Balmoral Room
The main Conference is in the Clarence Room
Other Sponsors
Other Info
Exhibitor Information
- Corporate Information Systems Group
- Project and Change Management Group