Digital Assessment and exams for Higher Education

Primary Sponsor

About the Event
UCISA corporate member AvePoint will be running their first hands-on workshop to support UCISA institutional members who are on a journey to facilitate holistic and fair assessment and feedback with technology support.
With their hands-on labs, on the day you will get access to AvePoint’s digital assessment and exam tool – Examena - in a virtual lab environment to discover exactly how it performs in the real world. You’ll work through an array of common exam and assessment scenarios and see first-hand how you can use the technology. This is your chance to get behind the driver’s seat, at no-cost, guided, hands-on experience that’s designed for every exam stakeholder from exam administrator, lecturer, student to invigilator.
Each lab will focus on an assessment scenario, and by building the solutions yourself in the sandbox environment you will be able to choose the skills you want to develop.
AvePoint take you step-by-step through each of their solutions, with an expert instructor to guide you:
- Exam preparation & Scheduling
- Exam delivery
- Securing the exam environment
- Exam marking and moderation
- Getting the results
- 3rd party integrations
You will also have the opportunity to network with your peers across the UCISA community, supporting you on your digital transformation journey.
This session will be beneficial to anyone who is considering to use or replace a current exam eco-system of tools.