Optimise delivery of IT systems

Primary Sponsor

7 February 2024
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7 February 2024
Online 14:00 - 15:00
MS Teams
About the Event
Almost all HE institutions are suffering from what is becoming known as the “skills gap”. The advent of more flexible working has given employees a much wider reach in which to apply for roles and as such is putting even more pressure on University IT teams. Institutions are looking at ways to simplify IT demands in order to reduce the burden on IT, one example being moving workloads to Cloud and thus effectively outsourcing part of the stack, another example being deploying automation technologies to complete menial and repeatable tasks that are distracting IT staff from working on higher value opportunities.
In this session you will hear how Nutanix automation tools can assist with the deployment and management of multiple databases, helpful in operating applications such as SITS and how this can help with activities such as Cyber Essentials. You will also hear how Nutanix can speed your deployment to Cloud and allow you to use the same skills to manage both your Cloud and on premise workloads and therefore not adding to the skills gap issue.
In addition, you will see a hands-on demonstration of these capabilities and how simple they are to manage therefore not adding to the pressures IT are already under.