

Day 1 Thursday 10 October


Imperial College London's Digital Campus - Towards a Great Environment
Rob Sherwood, Head of Digital Campus, ICT and Andrew Bottomley, Technology Delivery Manager, Digital Campus, Imperial College London

This session is about a digital product team's journey over the past year to begin executing a Digital Campus strategy. It will cover how a strategic vision was created, and how priorities have been set, trade-offs made and innovations delivered. The session will be interspersed with show and tell style demonstrations of how investments in next generation wifi and mobile app development have enabled a variety of innovative solutions to be developed from the ground up from 3d campus maps, AI chatbots, wifi enabled attendance monitoring and sustainability dashboards that allows us to slice scope 1-3 emissions by our buildings, departments and faculty. We will also touch on our challenges and plans around security and building management and where they exist on our roadmap.

UCL's Integrated Workspace Management System (IWMS) story
Mohammed Aufogul, Head of Technical and Design,University College London

An Integrated Workspace Management System (IWMS) is a software platform that helps organisations to manage and optimize their physical workspace and related assets and resource. The benefited of an IWSM tool are much more future reaching and if implemented correctly can transform an organisation helping them deliver better outcomes, efficiencies and sustainability. Mohammed tells the story of the journey UCL have been on with the development of their IWMS. Detailing the strategy, the key player, the challenges , and how these have been overcome as well as the successes and what the future looks like, with a road map that includes an Occupancy interface, IoT and the development and rollout of UCL’s SMART buildings program. Detailing how an IWSM system is fundamental and at the heart for these strategical objectives.

Our Cyber Security Journey
Guilherme De Sousa, Head of Infrastructure, Heriot-Watt University

Hear about how Heriot-Watt University has developed its cyber security strategy, people and technology over the last five years. The talk will cover our move away from CE+ to the Public Sector Cyber Security Framework, the use of a Managed Security Operations Centre, establishing a cyber security team and our move to modern cyber security systems and tooling. We will also cover the challenges we've experienced with changing the cyber culture and awareness within the organisation.


Day 2 Friday 11 October

Surviving then Thriving: The Human Side of a Major Cyber Incident
Mat Flower, (Interim) Deputy Director & Head of Digital Infrastructure/Information Security, University of Wolverhampton

Earlier this year the University of Wolverhampton suffered an unprecedented cyber incident, impacting all aspects of university operations, and presenting UoW Digital Services with a seemingly impossible challenge. A story of huge ups, and even bigger downs, Mat’s session will share with delegates the human side of responding to, and recovering from a major cyber incident. He will talk about some of the lessons learned, and despite it being some of the darkest days of his IT career, he has seen his department survive and ultimately thrive for having gone through the harshest of trials.

Team of teams; collaborating to create a Smart Campus
Rob Collins, Head of Smart Technology and Oliver Ramsey, Campus Data Manager, University of Bristol

A “Smart Campus” cannot be created by one team, or even one department. This session aims to explore how we can work across teams to deliver a shared goal. We’ll discuss the opportunities and challenges facing teams in Universities and the HE sector when developing such teams, and how best to work together.