Tuesday 18 March
Institutional abstracts 15:15 - 15:45
From Zero to Launch: Charging Ahead with Surrey's Online Programmes
Marinella Vowles, Head of Technologies, University of Surrey
Our presentation will strategically chart the transformation of the Surrey Online Learning project, from a blank canvas to delivering three full programmes on the 'Canvas' Learning Management System.
We will inspire with stories of collaboration with Partners across Marketing, Admissions, IT, Student Support, and content development, demonstrating how these partnerships have driven the rapid, successful launch of high-quality online education.
We will share both our challenges and triumphs in this growing market, offering insight into key trends and the strategic impact of online learning on undergraduate and postgraduate education in the short to medium term.
From projects to products: Getting the foundations in place
Elliot Boakes, Head of Business Operations; and Imogen Morten-Spencer, Head of Portfolio, University of the Arts London
Digital and Technology at University of the Arts London is on a journey. Moving towards more-product focused services requires strong underpinning foundations, from governance and reporting to recruitment and training and much more besides. Join us to hear more about the foundations we have put in place to support UAL's transition to a more product centred approach.
Macro and micro transformations - making digital happen
Fraser Muir, Global Director of IS; and Tricia Moscati, Head of Digital Transformation, Heriot-Watt University
Colleagues from Heriot-Watt University will set out their approach to digital transformation using both macro and micro transformations. They will cover the successes and challenges of this approach and demonstrate value generated to the university through time and cost savings, along with other measures. Heriot-Watt University defines macro digital transformations as those major strategic digital change projects supported and enabled by enterprise systems. Micro transformation is where they take individual business processes and assess, optimise, digitise, upskill and then automate where possible.
Making HE more user-centred through the power of community – lessons learned from the UCISA UX Group
Emma Horrell, User Experience Manager and co-chair of UCISA UX Group, University of Edinburgh; and Joseph Talbot, User Interface Team Leader and co-chair of UCISA UX Group, University of Oxford
The UCISA UX Group exists to provide a space for people practicing UX in education to meet, share and learn from each other. UX is a relatively new discipline in Higher Education and our group was born from a need to ensure UX HE practitioners felt supported and empowered to do their work. Over time we’ve collectively identified common challenges on our quest to make our institutions more user-centred and as a thriving community, instigated myriad creative solutions and opportunities in response. We’ve learned a lot about community cohesion along the way. In this talk we’ll share what we’ve learned, how we’ve grown and ways you can benefit from our community to embed user-centred practices and approaches in your own institution.