UCISA Corporate Information Systems Survey results for 2023


Each year UCISA provides a survey of Corporate Information systems used across the sector. This is an invaluable resource made freely available to all UCISA member HEIs and FEIs looking to share experiences with other institutions and understand trends in the marketplace. The UCISA CIS survey is carried out annually and provides a simple snapshot of the core CIS in use by ucisa members. The survey is open to all UCISA members and collects basic information about the main corporate information systems (CIS) in use in the HE sector.

There are two versions of the results spreadsheet available;

  • UCISA members' edition, which does not contain contact details and additional comments
  • UCISA Institutional Members representative only version, which contains contact details and additional comments.


For queries about issues with permissions and access please contact admin@ucisa.ac.uk

Public trends report

  • CISG Trend 2023. Trends in Corporate Information Systems 2013-2023 [PowerPoint slide show] or [PDF version]

    It is important to note that a different number of institutions have responded in each year of the survey, and so the data are based on a varying sample of institutions in each year, therefore, any apparent trends should be treated with caution. It is also important to note that not all respondents answered each question of the survey, and so the totals included in the tables represent the overall number of respondents to each particular question.


UCISA all members' edition 

Available to all members of UCISA


Survey responses

Available to UCISA Institutional Members only

  • CISG Survey 2023 full data -  contains contact details and additional comments.[Excel]
  • CIS 2023 Notes. List of institutions and notes to individual returns. [Word]

NB. Filling out the survey is optional, and answering all of the questions within the survey is also optional.

The CIS survey has been conducted each year from 2007 historical survey data for each year is also available on request.