CISG-PCMG23 Reflections - Andrew Haywood

Andrew Haywood, Corporate Systems Manager at Leeds Trinity University reflects on his experience at CISG-PCMG23.

04 December 2023 - CISG-PCMG23 Reflections - Andrew Haywood

1. What were you looking forward to about CISG-PCMG23?

I was looking forward to hearing about the solutions that other institutions have come up with to the same problems I am trying to solve.

2. What were your first impressions?

The first discussion exercise I did around the table focused on the importance business change after projects had completed. I thought there were some very interesting points of view and that everyone was talking, no one was quiet. I liked that. It was very well organised.

3. What were your top three key takeaways having attended?

We must do more work on business change. I need to do more research and learning around the use cases for AI. I am going to contact the people I have met on a regular basis and engage mor with the UCISA groups.

4. What would be your top recommendation for someone attending a CISG-PCMG Conference for the first time?

Listen to the organisers and those that have been to a few conferences. Talk to as many people as you can and take part, be involved. You will get a lot from listening to what people have to say, but so much more if you contribute to the discussions from your own perspective.