06 March 2025 - Would you like to become a UCISA Trustee?
Would you like to become more involved in UCISA?
The 2025 Annual General Meeting of UCISA will take place at 12:00 on Thursday 19 June 2025 via MS Teams. A formal notice and agenda will be forwarded nearer the time.
In readiness for the AGM, we are seeking nominations to join the UCISA Board of Trustees and would like you to consider either standing or putting forward a colleague for election. There will be one elected trustee position available. All those who stand for election will automatically be considered for co-option to the board, if they are not elected.
At the AGM, Emma Woodcock finishes her term as Chair and James Crooks, currently our Deputy Chair will stand for election as Chair. The position of Deputy Chair is also due for election this year. James Smith has stated his intention to stand for election.
Our Chair, Emma Woodcock, invites those interested to contact her or other members of the UCISA Board to discuss what is involved. Interested parties may also find the Charity Commission guidance The essential trustee useful.
Nominees must have a senior sponsor from within their institution. Nominees must also have a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be nominated UCISA representatives of Institutional Member Institutions of UCISA.
Nominees are asked to complete the nomination form and skills audit, both of which then need to be returned to Debora Green, CEO by 12 noon on Thursday 24th April 2025 by email to ceo@ucisa.ac.uk.
If you have any questions or if the CEO can assist in any way, please do not hesitate to contact Deborah.