It takes a village

Booking Closed

Primary Sponsor


7 November 2023

Book Before

7 November 2023

Online 10:30 - 11:30

MS Teams

About the Event

UX – It Takes a Village

UX doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it takes communal effort to do UX effectively.  

In Higher Education, the success of any UX initiative not only rests on relationships with influential stakeholders and supportive managers, but it also relies on shared understanding and collaboration with teams across myriad functions and disciplines like Quality Assurance, Development Operations, User Support and Business Analysis to name a few.

Join us for this session as we’ll be looking at the friends UX needs to thrive, sharing examples of UX playing well (and also not so well) with other teams in our institutions.


black and white drawing to represent a person

Chris Lockhart

Head of product

University of Southampton

black and white head and shoulders shot of a man

Ben Watson

Head of Digital Accessibility


Man with beard and glasses smiling

David Goddard

Head of Digital Student Experience (Information Services Division)

University College London

person facing the camera

Gareth Davies

Stakeholder Engagement Manager


person smiling at the camera

Akshi Kakar

Business Analyst Student Systems Partnership

University of Edinburgh

More Info

Akshi Kakar has led the design and development of higher education systems for over 13 years. She started her career at a VLE where she launched a Usability Testing laboratory and has since worked at universities in the US and UK understanding and applying user research and business analyses techniques to understand user needs and most usable information designs.

Event Schedule



Welcome and introduction

Joseph Talbot, User Interface Team Leader, University of Oxford

Case Study from University of Edinburgh

Akshi Kakar, Business Analyst Student Systems Partnership, University of Edinburgh

Case study: a collaborative approach to improve outcomes for prospective students at the University of Southampton

Chris Lockhart, Head of product, University of Southampton

Case Study from University of Edinburgh

Ben Watson, Head of Digital Accessibility, UCL, David Goddard, Head of Digital Student Experience (Information Services Division), University College London, Gareth Davies, Stakeholder Engagement Manager, RNIB