Benefits management


The Benefits Management special interest group (SIG) ran in 2021 and 2022 and began with a series of webinars and subsequent working group meetings. The group worked on bringing together a library of typical benefits used in UK HE projects. This had been identified during the webinars as a valuable resource for all members.

The  agreed on the Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) definition of a benefit for the foundation of their activity:

"The measurable improvement resulting from an outcome perceived as an advantage by the investing organisation(s) and which contributes towards one or more organisational objectives

The following resources are available on the resources page to institutional members. Login is required to access these

  • The presentations and recordings from the three webinars:      
    • Grasping the nettle: Benefits Management, how to start
    • Smoothing the way: Measurements and Tracking
    • How was yours? – Benefits Clinic
  • The presentation from CISG-PCMG22
    • Benefits Measures Library
  • The two measures libraries:       
    • Benefit measures by business capability
    • Benefit measures fin-non-fin
  • Other benefits-related resources available to share
  • Zipped file containing all resources